Saturday, March 19, 2011

Inspiration from Losing It, Jillian Michaels

From LOSING IT! With Jillian Michaels
Friday, January 07, 2011

Make the Portion and Calorie Cut
Americans have completely skewed ideas about portion size. No other country on earth offers portions as enormous as the ones here. Honestly, go anywhere else in the world and order a meal. You'll see the difference.

We're conditioned to believe that more equals better. Just look at the endless marketing of fast food; we're constantly encouraged to eat more in order to take advantage of a "bargain." But what kind of a bargain are you getting if you're eating 100 french fries in one sitting just to save a quarter you wouldn't have spent in the first place? And the reality is that Americans are paying for this illogical thinking with their health and their lives.

Here are a few techniques you can use to keep your portions under control.

•If you're at home, use smaller plates. This creates the illusion of eating a bigger serving.
•If you're at a restaurant and you know the portions are going to be huge, ask the server to put half your meal in a doggie bag before it even hits the table. This saves you money as well as unnecessary calorie overload.
•Share an entrĂ©e with your dining partner.
•Make a new rule for yourself: Always leave something on your plate. This reminds you that you are in control of the food, not the other way around. A little bit of empowerment can go a long way!

START CHALLENGE April13th-April 19th

S ~ Signature in Profile
T ~ Team Spirit, decorate your Spark Page for at least a Week Mocha Hunter Style!
A ~ Add your Mocha Family as a Spark Friend
R ~ Read the BLC Challenge Rules
T ~ Tribal Creed, did you read it and 'sign'?!


10 “Will-Powers” for Improving Body Image

10. I WILL treat my body with respect and kindness. I will feed it, keep it active, and listen to its needs. I will remember that my body is the vehicle that will carry me to my dreams!

9. I WILL surround myself with people and things that make me feel good about myself and my abilities. When I am around people and things that support me and make me feel good, I will be less likely to base my self-esteem on the way my body looks.

8. I WILL practice taking people seriously for what they say, feel, and do. Not for how slender, or “well put together” they appear.

7. I WILL list 5-10 good qualities that I have, such as understanding, intelligence, or creativity. I will repeat these to myself whenever I start to feel bad about my body.

6. I WILL refuse to wear clothes that are uncomfortable or that I do not like but wear simply because they divert attention from my weight or shape. I will wear clothes that are comfortable and that make me feel comfortable in my body.

5. I WILL participate in activities that I enjoy, even if they call attention to my weight and shape. I will constantly remind myself that I deserve to do things I enjoy, like dancing, swimming, etc., no matter
what my shape or size is!

4. I WILL exercise for the joy of feeling my body move and grow stronger. I will not exercise simply to lose weight, purge fat from my body, or to “makeup” for calories I have eaten.

3. I WILL spend less and less time in front of mirrors—especially when they are making me feel uncomfortable and self-conscious about my body.

2. I WILL think of three reasons why it is ridiculous for me to believe that thinner people are happier or ‘better.” I will repeat these reasons to myself whenever I feel the urge to compare my body shape to someone.

1.Twice a day, everyday, I WILL ask myself: “Am I benefiting from focusing on what I believe are the flaws in my body weight or shape?”

I will choose to take care of myself and my body

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Placeholder for Calendar


You can find images to decorate your sparkpage or for your profile any time you need them here in the Gallery! Just click the Gallery tab above to find all sorts of themed images.


Hi! Each week the new challenge will be re-posted HERE at the blog along with a printable template for you to use to track points when you are away from the computer.